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Syracuse Community Fridge battles food insecurity with free options
Lis Webber founded Syracuse Community Fridge to combat food insecurity in the city. It's set to open its doors at All Saints Church in March. Read more »

Personal Essay: Step out of the SU campus bubble to see the real world
Any student can do the same — it requires removing yourself from campus culture mentally, not only physically. Now, to get past the alienation I feel here from the rest of the world, I know I can simply step off the hill. Read more »

‘The Earth Laughs in Flowers’ exhibit brings Emerson poem to life
“The Earth Laughs in Flowers,” a Syracuse University Art Museum exhibit, encourages viewers to reflect on their connection with plants and the Earth. Read more »
‘We are SU, Faculty Support, blah, blah’… How do you know you respresent what the rest of the (normal) SU community thinks and wants? I would bet most see your demands and actions as immature, extreme, unecessary, rigid, special-treatment, and resent it!
Better headline: Self centered protesters whine about lack of respect from administration, use a memorial to 35 students who died in a horrible terrorist attack as a step stool so people could see their signs better.
The ignorance displayed by the protesters in these images is infuriating. In case they were not aware, that wall, the one they are so shamelessly standing atop, is a memorial and the University’s way promoting peace both on campus and in the community. Protesters, take a minute to readdress your concerns and then take your display elsewhere on campus. The Wall of Remembrance is not the place.
I don’t care what your organization stands for…ALL I CAN SEE IS A BUNCH OF DISRESPECTFUL, INSENSITIVE PEOPLE WHO ARE STANDING ON A MEMORIAL TO MY SISTER AND 34 OTHER STUDENTS WHO WERE MURDERED ON PAN AM 103!!! Your filthy feet might as well be standing on their graves! I’m unbelievably appalled that supposedly educated people would be so thoughtless about where they chose to make their stand. Disgusting, classless and outrageous!